Monday, December 16, 2013

El Deir, the ancient temple built for giants


The first time that I laid eyes upon a photograph of this temple, I was awe struck by its sheer beauty and enormous size. One question came to my mind above all the other questions that raced through my thoughts in that first few moments: Those doorways were built for giants who were many times taller than any humans that I have ever met!

A lot of mystery surrounds this ancient temple and there are many theories about who built it and when. There have been investigative television shows that explored the historical aspects which included Biblical tales of the Nephilim.  They were giants who lived in the early days of man on earth who were the progeny of angels and humans. This historical information would explain the giant doorways built into the temple as well as the architecture that is carved from stone right out of the mountainside.

According to Wikipedia, El Deir is a monostary. It is cut from rose colored stone, which is also another name for the city of Petra due to the rock color.